
To see all information with respect to a single user, you can select him from the list or enter the name in the search bar.

Adding Users

For adding a new user, press button Add User from the Ribbon Bar on top of the window. A user dialog will allow you to enter user details. In order to use the Single Sign On / Connection to Active Directory you should create users with the same user name as given in your active directory. As soon as a new user has been created, he/she will receive an email with a link to aqua and the login data, i.e. username and password (to customize the message text please look here).
The following characters that you find on a standard keyboard are invalid for the user name: @ " / = ? [ ] \ + * : ; > < |

Assign Licenses

In order to assign licenses to a user, press the Assign license Button. Then you can select one of the available licenses and the type Named or Floating (depending on what you have available). A named license can only be assigned to one user at a time. Floating licenses can be assigned to any number of users. That means for example, that you can assign your 10 floating licenses to 20 users. However, only as many users can be logged into aqua at the same time as there are licenses available. In the example with the 10 licenses, only 10 of the 20 users could be logged in at the same time. For a detailed list of all the differences between the aqua licenses go to the FAQs.

Assign Projects

When you want to assign a project to a user, press the Assign project button, select a project and a role.

Edit, deactivate or delete users

To edit a user, select the user in the selection list of users on the left and change the desired fields. This allows you to enter a position and a telephone number in addition to the user name, first name, surname and email address, and also to add a picture. With Reset password you can send an email with a new password to a user who has forgotten his password (to modify the email text please look here). If you are a server administrator yourself, you can grant the user increased permissions via the checkbox Server Administrator. With the Server Administrator right the user has access to all projects and can assign himself and other users to all projects. In addition, he can configure, add or delete roles and has access to the global system log.
Via Deactivate User you can deactivate the selected user so that he/she cannot log in to aqua. The user is then highlighted in grey in the user list. You can then reactivate the user at any time.
If the license assigned to the user expires, this user is automatically deactivated and the license is crossed out. As soon as the licenses are renewed and the user logs in again, one of the current licenses is automatically assigned to the user and the user is reactivated (provided there are enough licenses of the type). Otherwise, you can also assign the user a license manually.
Via Delete User, the selected user is completely deleted and cannot be restored. The user information is also removed DSGVO-compliant from all fields in all elements in which it was saved (e.g. Created by, Assigned to, Tested by, etc.)