
Sprint board

What Agile project can be without a Scrum board? Here it comes!
Get a quick overview in your agile project. The board uses your defined status and workflow.
Change the order of the columns and set filters on the sprint board
Step 1: Open a sprint board.
Step 2: Select a column that you want to move.
Step 3: Move it where you’d like it to be.
Step 1: Click on the ‘Apply filter’ option.
Step 2: Select by which property you want to filter items on the board.
Step 3: In case you need to apply one more filter, click on the ‘Apply filter’ button once
again and choose another property and value.
If you need to set a custom order for a defect or requirement only, then use the toggle to exclude the item type that should not be altered.
Move items between/to sprints or back to the backlog
Step 1: Hover on the ticket tile.
Step 2: Click on the 3-dot menu.
Step 3: Select where you want to move the ticket: a different sprint or the backlog