
Modify Maximum Attachment Size

To increase the maximum allowed size of attachments, the server parameters must be configured in the server configuration files. The MaximumAllowedAttachmentSizeInBytes parameter sets the maximum size of attachments in aqua. Additionally, depending on the desired size, the limits of the IIS server must also be increased. This can also be configured in the Web.config files of the aqua server.
You have to do the following changes in the Web.config file of the application server (default location: "C:\Program Files\andagon GmbH\aqua For IIS\Web\Webservice\Web.config"):
     <add key="MaximumAllowedAttachmentSizeInBytes" value="104857600" />
                <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="104857600" />
Additionally, in the aquaWebNG server's Web.config file (default location: "C:\Program Files\andagon GmbH\aquaWebNG\aquaWebNG\Web.config") the following changes have to be made:
                <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="104857600" />