

In order to keep your item list clean and quickly to handle, you can archive old items or items you don't use. By archiving old items, aquas performance will be increased. To archive an item, right-click it and select 'Archive'.
The best way to archive many items at once, is to build a corresponding filter. How to create a filter is described in detail in the chapter Views. Your filter could for example look like this:
By clicking the '(Un)Archive items' buttonyou can archive (or unarchive) all items present in the view.
To show or hide archived items in the view, click on 'include archived items' in the lower right corner of the item browser.
In order to be able to see directly in the item browser which items are archived and which are not, we suggest to add the column "Is Archived" to the view. All archived items are then marked with a folder symbol in this column.