Map fields

You can choose, which fields from Jira should be synchronized with which fields from aqua. Here you can also choose, in which directions the fields should be synchronized. Only fields with the correct data type can be mapped. Some fields are read-only fields, e.g. the owner in aqua which is set automatically.
- Jira Field: the left column displays all the fields found in the configured Jira project. Custom fields have a custom field number next to the name (for example: customfield_10010).
- Direction: the center column gives two synchronization directions. Synchronization between both aqua and Jira or only from aqua to Jira, respectively from Jira to aqua. This will set the direction of the synchronized values.
- aqua Field: this column displays Jira’s name for all fields found in the configured aqua project. Each cell pertains a drop-down menu. This enables the user to adjust the correct aqua field to the desired Jira field. Fields that do not share the same type (i.e date field with text field) will be shown in gray. Fields that are already taken, will be highlighted in red.
- Visible on any screen: in this column, there is an option to ensure that a field is always shown in Jira Screens (separate windows which pop out in Jira, i.e when editing or creating issues).
The legend box on the right-hand side informs the user which fields were automatically set by Jira. This happens when there are specific field types (i.e. fields with numerical value). If the same aqua field is taken in a different Jira field, both cells will be marked red with an error message at the bottom. Fields with similar names will be mapped automatically.
You do not have to map all fields. Some fields might be only important for one of both systems. The following fields are mapped automatically:
  • Description
  • Comments
  • Attachments
  • Status
If you miss some fields, make sure you uncheck the box 'Visible On Any Screen'.
Please note, that jira custom fields must be visible on the 'Create Issue' Screen, in order to be shown in the field mapping of the configurator.