
Eclipse MyLyn Integration

1. Eclipse installation
a. Download „Eclipse IDE for Java developers” from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
b. Unzip downloaded .zip to a directory, e.g. C:\eclipse
2. Mylyn upgrade
a. Download mylyn 1.5 (or later) distribution from http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/downloads/
b. Unzip downloaded file to a directory, e.g. C:\ mylyn-3.5.1
c. Add the directory as a local update site in Eclipse: Open eclipse, click on Help/Install new software/Add../Local/<dir path>
d. Install components from the added update site:
e. Restart eclipse
3. aqua plugin installation
a. Add the following url as update site in eclipse: http://aquatest/mylyn
b. Install aqua connector from the update site:
c. Restart eclipse
4. aqua repository creation
a. Open task repository view (Window/Show view/Other/Mylyn/Task repositories)
b. Right click on Other section
c. Select aqua, click Next
d. Provide aqua connection parameters:
e. Click on Validate Settings. The plugin checks the connection. If everything is ok, then confirmation label is shown:
In case of errors, check the server address and credentials.
It might be also worth looking into log file [workspace dir]\.metadata\.log
f. If everything is ok, then click  Finish and accept the proposal of creating the first query.
g. Select the query parameters:
At the moment only requirements are supported.
Predefined filters (a.k.a. user views) can be defined in the aqua application in the navigation panel. For newly created projects there are usually several already existing predefined “general purpose” filters, for example:  All items, My items, or  Recently modified.
h. Click on Finish – items will be loaded from the server.
5. Browse items
a. Open ‘Task list’ view
b. Double-click on any item – it will be opened in editor
6. Editing items
a. Open item
b. Modify any field(s)
c. Click the Submit button – changes are written to aqua