

The grid available via Navigation is a very powerful feature in aqua. The Web Client allows to use views in order to get a filtered list of elements. These can be sorted and grouped into different fields, which gives you an optimized overview of your development tasks that are in your focus of interest.
The example in the following screen shows test cases illustrating which cases can be created with the grid. Switch to the module navigation in order to do so.

Test Manager Example

In this scenario, we have 9 test cases, each with a different workflow status and Last execution status.
It is possible to group these elements, right-click on Status and click on Group By This Column.
This will return the following...
...which can be expanded.
 To change elements within that field, mark the corresponding elements and use the right mouse button as you would do to assign them to a person. Mark them followed by a right-click and click on Change:
These fields can be changed without opening them.