Connection to Oracle Database 11g

Before you start, you have to install Java on your local server in order to create a connection to the database later on. You will find a recent Java JRE here:

Installing Oracle Database

The first step is to install Oracle Database. A "free" version (named "Express Edition") can be downloaded here:
Please note the following limitation on Oracle Express Editions: "Oracle Database XE can be installed on any size host machine with any number of CPUs (one database per machine), but XE will store up to 11GB of user data, use up to 1GB of memory, and use one CPU on the host machine."
When downloaded, please start the installer program. Press Next, read the license agreement and accept it. Click Next again, choose the default path for the installation and click Next. Now enter the SYS Password, click on Next and finish the setup by clicking on Install.

Setting up a new Database

Create a new connection and enter the following names:
Username: SYSTEM
Password: Your SYS password
Hostname: localhost
SID: xe
Click on login, open the file CreateDatabase.sql and execute the script. Then open a Windows Command Prompt and 'cd' into the folder, where the aqua dump file is located. In this location enter the following command:
imp aqua/aqua ignore=Y log=aqua_imp.log file=aqua_*.dmp
In the case that you have received a diff file, you have to execute this diff.sql in order to update the dump to the current aqua version. You can apply this diff.file according to our update guideline.
The next step is to create a new connection in your Oracle SQL Developer.
Finally, we have to configure our license file in the database. In order to do so, open the license file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad), copy the value of the tag CustomerAccount, paste it into the query and apply it to the database.
Your aqua Database is now installed.

Configuring the Database Connection

In the following steps connect your aqua system to the database.
First replace the hibernate.cfg.xml in C:\Programm Files\andagon GmbH\aqua for IIS\Web\Webservice\bin. Then open Web.config in folder C:\Programm Files\andagon GmbH\aqua for IIS\Web\Webservice with a text editor.
Replace row <add key="Database" value="Data Source=X; User Id=Y;Password=Z;"/> with:
Replace $HOST,$PORT,$SID,$USER and  $PASSWORD with your data:

<add key="Database" value="Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SID=XE)));User Id=aqua;Password=aqua;"/>
Then, configure your Oracle version. Open the folder C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\client_1\ODP.NET\bin\2.x, open the file Ora-ProvCfg and identify the version. This version has to be inserted into the Web.config file.
Now we have to enable 32-Bit Applications in IIS. Open the IIS, open the context-menu on aquaAPIPool and select Set Application Pool Defaults. Here set Enable 32-Bit Applications onto true.

Installing the ODP Driver

aqua requires an ODP.NET driver to successfully connect to an Oracle database. This driver can be retrieved from Be careful to download the right version! Extract the downloaded files, open a command prompt, change directory to the extraction target and execute the following command:
install.bat odp.net2 c:\odac odac
Finally, you can install your aqua client by installing aqua.msi and starting the client. The default login data is as follows:
Username: Administrator
Password: default
Server: localhost
Your aqua system should be ready to use!