
UnixShell (Rich Client)

The UnixShell-Agent allows to execute a Shell-Script on a remote Unix (Linux) machine. In order to setup the Unix-Shell-Agent, please follow the next steps.


The following steps require fundamental knowledge about the UnixShell. The given commands are not guaranteed to work on any Unix (Linux) distribution and need to be adopted according to your distribution.

Writing Shell-Scripts that return results to aqua

In order to run a UnixShell-Script in aqua, create a new test case, open Step Designer and select tab Automation. Select the test step (click the empty space of the given step) and add a new Unix shell-Script via New Script-Button.
In the Script-area of the step you are able to insert the script to be run on the remote machine. An example is given below:
# Sample bash script
# everything that is written to the console is send back to aqua
echo "script is running"
# Access variable named VAR1
echo "$AQUA_VAR1"
# files that are stored in subfolder toAttach are send back to aqua (below are two examples)
# Example 1: Attach a file named test.txt to the execution (touch creates a new file in subfolder named -toAttach-)
touch ./toAttach/test.txt
# Example 2: in order to upload files, you can also copy a file to be uploaded to the subfolder -toAttach-
# Syntax: cp <filePath> ./toAttach
cp /tmp/screnshot.png ./toAttach
# Return the execution result: 0 means Passed. Everything else means Failed
exit 0
When you are done with your script, you can save and run your test case.
For execution, a new subfolder is created in temp-Folder of the agent. In this subfolder, another subfolder toAttach is created automatically so that you are able to upload attachments as given in the example. If you want to see the temp-Folder after execution, please set deleteTempFiles=false in file agent.properties and restart your agent.
