Referencing External Assemblies (.dll-Files)

The csproj-file for editing and execution of test steps is built new every time according to the given test steps, to ensure the re-usability (keyword: script library) of test steps by aqua. Since several test steps are edited at once, it is hard to identify which reference belongs to which test step. To solve that problem, please proceed as follows:
1. Localize the assembly in your file system, path will be like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Visual Studio Tools for Office\PIA\Office15\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll)
2. Open the affected Ranorex test case in aqua
3. Copy the .dll-files into the test step
4. Add the reference to the local .dll-file in the test step, using the 'Browse...' button
5. Save and close the Ranorex project
6. Save the test case in aqua
When saving the test case in aqua the reference to the local assembly is automatically recognized and the assembly is saved in aqua.
To simplify such references, you can use so-called utility scripts in script items. These are additional script items which can be added to scripts via the 'Usage' button. Alternatively, place the reference script in the first test step.
The helper script for the references can contain more than one reference. Thus, you can build a whole library of references which are referenced multiple times. You do not need to create or link multiple scripts for each reference.